IHE International is composed of member organizations that are stakeholders in improving the interoperability of health information systems. Member organizations participate in IHE in a variety of ways, including designating representatives to Domain Committees and National/Regional Deployment Committees relevant to their interests.
Join over 100 organizations dedicated to improving healthcare system interoperability.
The membership term for all members is July 1 through June 30 regardless of date of enrollment.
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Membership Benefits
Your membership supports the following benefits For the health IT community
- Free access and use of the IHE Technical Frameworks
- Free access to information from newsletters and committee proceedings
- Free access to the IHE Product Registry and Connectathon Results Database
- Connectathon and Conformity assessment testing services (separate fee)
For IHE Member Organizations
- Recognition on the IHE.net Website and in IHE promotions
- Use of IHE membership logo
- Access to global membership directory
- Access to informative webinars
- Participation and voting rights in IHE committees
- IHE domain committees
- IHE International Board elections
- Testing and Tools Committee
- Domain Coordination Committee (DCC)
- Global Deployment Coordination Committee (GDC)
- Marketing and Communications Committee
- Advance information on events, conferences and workshops
Most importantly, as a member of IHE International, you are part of a vital organization spanning the globe and the continuum of care. You are an active participant in IHE’s pragmatic approach to achieving standards-based interoperability in real-world healthcare solutions. IHE’s mission is to build on the foundation we have established to:
- Broaden stakeholder engagement
- Increase awareness and adoption of interoperability standards, including IHE profiles
- Strengthen support for IHE members, committees, and international deployment organizations
- Broaden testing services to improve product and deployment success
- Enhance IHE’s independence, governance and capacity as a financially self-sustaining entity