IHE Germany Drives Interoperability Events

IHE is involved in several 2018 events in Germany. Two of the biggest events include: German Interoperability Day The 3rd German Interoperability Day (DiT) was held in conjunction with the Joint Annual Meeting of HL7 and IHE Germany. The event took place from October 8-10 in Berlin. The first day focused on government stakeholders, insurance […]

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Looking Back on 20 Years of IHE: Collaboration with NIST

This year marks a major milestone for IHE: 20 years of promoting standards-based interoperability. As part of the anniversary celebration, IHE is asking participants to share their memories of the organization’s beginning and growth. IHE and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have been working together for years to advance the common goal […]

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IHE 20 Year Volunteer Perspective: Michael Nusbaum

Written by Michael Nusbaum Almost 20 years ago, I was wandering through the vendor exhibits in one of my very first HIMSS conferences… and ended up in a booth co-sponsored by IHE and HL7.  I was approached by none other than Joyce Sensmeier (VP of HIMSS), who personally guided me through a demo of interoperability […]

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IHE’s Integral Role in Advancing Poland’s Interoperability Initiatives

The Medical University of Gdansk and the Polish Society for Health Programmes – with support from IHE Europe and HIMSS Europe – are hosting the 2018 eHealth Forum September 17-19 in Sopot, Poland. Key stakeholders including the Ministry of Health, health providers, hospital administrators, vendors and patient organizations will gather to discuss the challenges surrounding interoperability and […]

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IHE Turns 20: Key Participants Share Memories Over the Decades

This year marks a major milestone for IHE: 20 years of promoting standards-based interoperability. As part of the anniversary celebration, IHE is asking participants to share their memories of the organization’s beginning and growth. At the Beginning Charles Parisot, chair of IHE Services for IHE-Europe and Manager of eHealth Standards and Testing at GE Healthcare, […]

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IHE Engages with HL7 Community at FHIR DevDays

  Healthcare interoperability – the key to improving communication, collaboration, efficiencies and patient outcomes – is taking another step forward for interoperability within. IHE® and HL7® are increasingly working together to find effective ways to improve interoperability in health IT. As a sign of that collaboration, IHE had a strong presence at the HL7 FHIR […]

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Key Participants Reflect on 20 Years of IHE

This year marks a major milestone for IHE: 20 years of promoting standards-based interoperability. As part of the anniversary celebration, IHE is asking participants to share their memories of the organization’s beginning and growth. Joyce Sensmeier, RN-BC, MS, CPHIMS, FHIMSS, FAAN is Vice President of Informatics at HIMSS and has overseen her organization’s involvement in […]

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IHE Expands Development and Testing of Profiles based on HL7® FHIR®

The potential of the rapidly evolving HL7 FHIR standards to revolutionize the way health information is acquired, managed, shared and used continues to be widely recognized across the industry. As part of its longstanding collaborative relationship with HL7, IHE International is working to help realize that potential and hasten the advancement and adoption of FHIR […]

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IHE-Europe Completes 18th Annual Connectathon

  The 2018 IHE-Europe Connectathon, held April 16-20 in The Hague, capital of the Netherlands, was an unprecedented success on several levels. Health IT interoperability testing, always the foundation and primary purpose of IHE Connectathons, continued to expand in scope and volume. And the event drew more than 1,000 participants and attendees from across Europe […]

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Interoperability Takes Center Stage in Health IT

  For nearly 20 years the mission of IHE has been to promote standards-based interoperability in healthcare. As the adoption of electronic health record systems has progressed around the world, the critical problem of how to achieve effective standardization and sharing of medical records has increasingly come into focus. To support optimal care, patients and […]

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