Anatomic Pathology

Technical Framework Public Comment IHE Anatomic Pathology

IHE Anatomic Pathology addresses information sharing, workflow and patient care in Pathology, including anatomical pathology.


IHE Anatomic Pathology is sponsored by the French Association for the Development of Informatics in Pathology (ADICAP), the Spanish Health Informatics Society (SEIS) , the Spanish Society of Pathology (SEAP) , the French Society of Pathology (SFP). It manages the Pathology Profiles and the Pathology Technical Framework .

Objective and Scope

The aim of IHE Anatomic Pathology activities is to extend the IHE initiative to anatomic pathology laboratories, their information, automation, imaging systems and equipment. The scope of the anatomic pathology includes surgical pathology, biopsies pathology, cytopathology, autopsies, and related techniques (such as immunohistochemistry and molecular pathology).

Information systems in anatomic pathology laboratories gather medical data (text, images, etc.) throughout specimen management from specimen reception to report editing. The diagnostic process in anatomical pathology (figure 1) differs from that in the clinical laboratory since it relies on image interpretation. It also differs from that in radiology since it is specimen-driven and when digital imaging is performed many types of imaging equipment (gross imaging, microscopic still imaging, whole slide imaging, multispectral imaging, etc.) may be involved for a single examination. Moreover, images of the same study may be related to different specimen (parts and/or slides) from one or even different patients (e.g. Tissue Micro Array). Finally, slides are always available to acquire more images, if needed. In radiology, the diagnostic process is patient-driven, an examination (study) usually involves a single image acquisition modality and all images of the study are related to one and only one patient.


IHE Anatomic Pathology integration profiles are specified in detail in the IHE Anatomic Pathology Technical Framework. These profiles include:

  • Anatomic Pathology Workflow (APW) integrates the pathology department in the healthcare institution, and covers these specialties: surgical pathology, clinical autopsy, cytopathology.
  • Anatomic Pathology Reporting to Public Health (ARPH) transmits anatomic pathology reports to public health organizations (cancer registries, centers for diseases control, screening organizations, etc).
  • Anatomic Pathology Structured Report (APSR) provides templates for building surgical pathology reports (cancers, benign neoplasms as well as non-neoplastic conditions).



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IHE Anatomic Pathology Committee

A single Anatomic Planning Committee performs both Planning and Technical functions in the ANAPATH domain. You can request to join the distribution list by visiting the Google Group. Committee members maintain information about their current activities on the IHE Wiki.

Committee Co-Chairs

Planning Committee: Christel Daniel, Marcial Garcia Rojo

Technical Committee:  Jacques Klossa, Marcial Garcia Rojo