IHE is involved in several 2018 events in Germany. Two of the biggest events include:
German Interoperability Day
The 3rd German Interoperability Day (DiT) was held in conjunction with the Joint Annual Meeting of HL7 and IHE Germany. The event took place from October 8-10 in Berlin. The first day focused on government stakeholders, insurance companies, care providers, and standards development organizations (SDOs). The second day, the joint meeting of IHE and HL7, focused on bringing together providers, and SDOs. The third day, the IHE General Assembly, offered technical tutorials. More than 150 people attended the three-day event.
During the IHE Germany event, Alexander Ihls left the board after two successful terms. Dr. Samrend Saboor of Siemens Healthcare GmbH was elected as the new Vendor Co-Chair and Andreas Henkel, CIO of Jena University Hospital, was reelected as User Co-Chair.
Click here to learn more about the event.
Interoperability Forum of 2018
On December 6 and December 7, the 4th Interoperability Forum of 2018 will be held in Cologne, Germany. The event will bring together members of IHE, HL7, and other interoperability stakeholders.
Email info@interoperabilitaetsforum.de to register for the event.
Pictures courtesy of Mirjam Bauer (@MirjamBauer)